Monday, July 6, 2009

July 6, Monday, Towner, North Dakota (2nd entry)

We’ve met and visited with Cormac and Lindsay this evening. They are honeymooning on their bikes - Seattle to Boston. He is a hospital chaplain in training at Harvard, and she, in graduate divinity school there. They fit in the “young take a break before you get swallowed by career” group with a honeymoon twist. Cormac is quaker. Lindsay UCC and intends to be a minister with a congregation. We had a nice tread-softly discussion about theology, mythololgies, the difficulties of the minister’s role and the brief occupancy of man on the planet since its origin, touching softly on our possible short-term presence and more heavily on the clumsy and destructive nature of our presence until now, finishing at least from my side with a nod to the pessimistic. They proceed into their careers with a sober, but convicted, sense and hope they can be helpful. It will require a dogged contemplative crawl to do so.

Their blog: Lindsay and

They got bike gear and panniers for wedding presents- indicating a very positive, practical streak. Will serve well. Say hello to them from Pat and Dave. They travel east but sleep late - so maybe?

Pat Sewell

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